
iFlow provides several different types of middleware for controlling action and state changes under different processes, including middleware, which is the standard middleware API, It contains all the five types of middleware stateWillInitialize/actionWillStart/stateWillChange/stateDidChange/actionDidEndthat can be used, supporting the addition of several different types of middleware, and the added middleware of the same type is ordered.

import iFlow from 'iflow'

const pipe = iFlow({
  //deliberately omit state and actions for demo.
    stateWillInitialize: (...args) => {},
    actionWillStart: (...args) => {},
    stateWillChange: (...args) => {},
    stateDidChange: (...args) => {},
    actionDidEnd: (...args) => {},

const store = pipe.create()

If you only need to quickly add a single type of middleware, iFlow allows you to use its corresponding simple APIs.

  • The middleware tables are as follows:
Middleware APIs Direct Interface API return return value Async Description
stateWillInitialize setInitializeValue add initialized values Initialized middleware
actionWillStart addInterceptor change the action parameter Action forward middleware
stateWillChange addMiddleware change the value of a Setter State Change forward middleware
stateDidChange addObserver - State Change Post Notification middleware
actionDidEnd addListener - Action Post Notification middleware

The API for standard middleware and the API usage of the direct middleware interface are equivalent, for example:

import iFlow from 'iflow'

const pipe = iFlow({
  //deliberately omit state and actions for demo.
    actionWillStart: (...args) => {
      // start middleware

const store = pipe.create()
import iFlow from 'iflow'

const pipe = iFlow({
  //deliberately omit state and actions for demo.
  // addInterceptor middleware

const store = pipe.create()

The above two kinds of adding an action to start blocking middleware are equivalent, as are other corresponding APIs.


iFlow's middleware is powerful and useful. For example, we can design a custom middleware, complete a persistent middleware plug-in, we can use to debug a state tree snapshot that can print the corresponding store, or we can use middleware to complete a immutable web library connector, Wait a minute.

It allows developers with rich requirements to develop various intermediary plug-ins. Due to the haste of time, we will continue to add more detailed information to the change section.


Todo example we can add debugging middleware to it, and for adding the Undo/Redo function needs of the record State middleware.

import iFlow, { getState, setState } from 'iflow'

const pipe = iFlow({
  //deliberately omit state and actions for demo.
  history: [{
    list: [],
    tabStatus: 'All'
  index: 1,
  record (actionName) {
    if ([
      ].includes(actionName)) {
      const {
      } = getState(this)
      this.history.splice(this.index, this.history.length - this.index, {
      this.index += 1
  doing (index) {
    this.index += index
    const {
    } = getState(this.history[this.index - 1])
    setState(this, {
}).addObserver(() => {
  console.log(`log change store:`, pipe.getState())
}).addListener((...args) => {
  const [actionName] = args.slice(-2, -1)
  actionName !== 'record' && store.record(actionName)

const store = pipe.create()

This allows us to simply implement the Undo store.doing(-1) and Redo store.doing(1) Operation function, very simply.

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    No results matching ""